
Need more time for innovation? Choose low-code with the power of business rules

Need more time for innovation? Choose low-code in combination with the power of business rules.

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Need more time for innovation? Choose low-code with the power of business rules

The world around us is changing faster than ever. This means that companies have to adapt and innovate as quickly as possible. Sound familiar? This is even more true in the current situation. Just think of the factories that changed their existing production lines to make face masks, protective clothing and safe respirators, or the service providers who suddenly adopted a completely different model to serve their customers, such as gyms offering their classes online.

Automate a new process quickly with business rules

Today, it is quite a task to set up production so quickly. But it is perhaps just as complicated to properly support these processes in software. Agility is the new success factor, but it also immediately raises questions. Are you buying a whole new core system for this? Or can you integrate the new process into your existing core systems? One thing you know for sure: both approaches cost a lot of time and money. How can you quickly and efficiently find a solution?

The answer? Taking business rules as a starting point and automating them with low-code. This gives you all the benefits of low-code, but with the added benefit of applying the business rules to the sophisticated automation at the core of your business. Business rules are the beginning and end of everything you do in every business process. They are the rules of the game, the preconditions and conditions that you apply, the rules of conduct on what your organization must do to deliver value for the customer. They are written in the language of the business. And by opting for low-code, businesses and IT departments can quickly develop an application based on the business rules and thus renew business operations.

Dare to take a new approach to the challenges you face. And what better time than now, when control and agility seem to be more critical than ever.

Automate the rules of the game instead of the processes

The advantage of this approach is that you only have to change the relevant business rule to implement a change company-wide. This means you can innovate very quickly. For example, are you a stand builder who is temporarily focused on the production of plexiglass screens? Then both your production processes and your marketing and sales will need to change. After all, you’re focused on other target groups with new products. You could completely reconfigure your existing ERP and CRM software so that the automation better reflects the new situation, but that’s a time-consuming process. It more or less amounts to an entirely new implementation of your existing software. You could also record the new rules, preconditions and conditions in a business rules engine that communicates with your ERP and CRM software. That way, you can put a shell of intelligence around your existing core systems in just a few weeks to fully support the new processes.

Dare to take a new approach to the challenges you face. And what better time than now, when control and agility seem to be more critical than ever. Curious how you can make your organization COVID-19 ready with this approach? Read our blog post ‘The 1.5-meter economy: how do you maintain the flexibility to keep on adapting your business?’ here.

Download our latest e-book ‘Make room for innovation with low code and the power of business rules.

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